
Starbits (A 3D NFT Marketplace)

A month long Hackathon I participated in with a friend

Team: Dakota Levermann (ME), and my friend Shakir Islam

Hackathon Website:

Our Video Submission:

Our Actual Website:

Code on Github:

Although the hackathon was almost two months long, me and my friend began working on our submission about 3 weeks in.

My Experience: This project was my first time even attempting React, so it was very difficult to make progress at the beginning of this project. Still, we eventually got the hang of it. We’re confident that a lot of our “fixes” are very.. unstable.. but we were still very proud of ourselves for getting a submission in for a hackathon that used completely foreign language and technology to us. Using Solidity (used to program Ethereum contracts) was very different from anything I’ve ever done before in terms of programming. We also used Three.js, a javascript library that allows you to display 3D models onto a site. Although very difficult and I did not end up sticking with any of the languages used (i much prefer backend work), I learned a lot about very new and emerging technologies.

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